Understanding And Writing Memoranda
GENERAL OBJECTIVE : : By the end of the unit, you should be able to :
- read and understand memoranda; and write memoranda for various purposes
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
- read and understand the contents of memos
- identify the audience and the purpose of the memo
- identify the main points in a memo
- understand the concise and brief language used in memos
- write memos for different purposes such as to relay messages, to give instructions, to give a brief explanation, or a brief summary
- use appropriate format in memo writing (including memos sent electronically)
- plan, organize and write messages coherently, clearly, and with brevity
- express ideas in clear grammatically correct English, with correct punctuations and correct spelling.
1.0 INPUT 1 : Introduction to Memoranda
Kinds of communication
Discuss in pairs or small groups.
a. How would you communicate with someone …
in a different organization? in the same organization?
b. Which do you think is the most convenient method?
Work in groups of 3 or 4. Discuss the kind(s) of communication you would use in the following situations and the reasons for your choice(s). Members in each group will take turns to present your ideas orally to the class.
a. Your Head of Engineering Dept. wants you to inform your colleagues that the weekly department meeting tomorrow has been rescheduled to start at 10.00 a.m. instead of 9.00 a.m. There are 12 staff members in the department including 2 who are on leave and will be back at work tomorrow.
b. You want to request for technical assistance from the IT Department to install some new computer peripherals in your department when they arrive next month.
c. You will be away attending a seminar in Singapore next week. You want to give instructions to 3 junior technicians on the maintenance job they have to carry out next week.
d. You want to confirm the details of the reservation you made with Anggun Hotel regarding the conference room and audio visual facilities for your department’s seminar in 3 months’ time. You have discussed the matter with the Marketing Manager when you met her earlier.
Have you ever come across a memo?
Where did you come across the memo? What did it look like? | What was it about? | Who sent the memo? | |
Who was the memo addressed to? | Why was the memo sent? |
1.2 What is a memo?
A memorandum is a written communication from one person to another (or a group of people or department). It is a convenient form of internal correspondence between employees within the same organization when they need to convey messages about on-the-job matters.
The word 'memo' is short for 'memorandum'.
The plural form is 'memoranda'.
In some situations, the memo is the preferred form of internal communication at the workplace because of the following reasons. Tick ( ) where appropriate.
| Uses simple format (no salutation, complimentary closing, etc., needed), therefore saves time to write & read |
| Efficient and productive (because writer can concentrate on content) |
| Uses expensive letterhead paper, therefore impressive and official-looking. |
| Carries a special informality (both writer & reader belong to same organization) |
| Provides a written record (unlike a telephone call) |
| Fastest means of internal communication in an organization. |
| Can be delivered instantly electronically or by hand |
1.3 When is a memo appropriate?
When communicating with someone* outside the organization you will usually use a letter or the telephone
* within the same organization, you could :
| ||||
| ||||
The last alternative has clear advantages over the others. What are they?
When do you use a memo?
Use the definition given in the previous page to help you decide when a memo is appropriate or inappropriate as a means of communication.
Tick the appropriate boxes next to the situations given.YES | NO | |
1. Technician of Premier Engineering to Production Manager of Premier Engineering with telephone message from client. | | |
2. Job applicant to Human Resource Manager in response to vacancy advertised. | | |
3. Project Manager of Mewah Construction to Site Supervisor of Mewah Construction with instructions about changes in the week's work schedule. | | |
4. Pn.Zakiah to her staff inviting them to a house warming party at her new home. | | |
5. General Manager of Inca Industries Ltd. to Sales Manager of Global Supplies enquiring about a new product advertised by Global Supplies. | | |
6. Technician of Titi Technologies to Head of Engineering Dept. requesting for permission to work overtime and make claims. | | |
7. Materials specialist of Guava Electronics to vendor from Precision Components confirming an order for electronic components. | | |
8. Maintenance technician of Telco Communications to Chief Technician of Telco Communications with short informal report. | | |
1.4 Purpose of the Memo
The memoranda serve a variety of purposes:
- To CONFIRM matters that have already been discussed by both receiver and sender.
- To INFORM a colleague/superior/subordinate of actions/decisions/events/data/ideas.
- To GIVE INSTRUCTIONS or directives to a subordinate.
- To REQUEST actions, decisions, information or assistance.
- To REMIND of action required.
- To REPORT on the progress of a project.
A memo may be sent to peers/colleagues, subordinates and even superiors. However, it would not be appropriate to send a memo to give instructions to your superior(s)! | superior(s) peer(s) MEMO peer(s) subordinate(s) |
In some situations, it would not be appropriate to use the memo as a form of communication even within the same organization.
decisions regarding an employee’s career such as ... …Not Appropriate in Situations to do with . . .
birthday party
messages for social occasions of a personal nature such as inviting colleagues to a …
Go through the 8 situations outlined in Activity 1 on the previous page again. Be prepared to explain in each case why a memo would/would not be used.
2.0 INPUT 2 : Reading and Understanding Memos
2.1 The Format of Memos |
Memos may be handwritten but in most situations, they are typed. These days memos are usually sent instantly by e-mail or facsimile. Many companies use printed memo forms.
ACTIVITY 1 : Work in groups of 3 – 4.
a. Read Memo 1 below and answer the questions that follow. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.
Memo 1
JJ BROTHERS SDN.BHD. Memo To : Tan Sook Ling Date : 10 August 200_ From : Karim Anuar I’ve been assigned to give a product presentation to a group of company representatives on 18 August in the Meranti Room. Could you please help me with the layout of the products? Enc. |
1. What are the similarities in the format between this memo and a formal letter ?
2. What items found in a formal letter are omitted in the memo?
3. Why do you think they are omitted?
4. As compared to a letter, why is the memo the preferred form of inter-office correspondence?
b. Read Memo 1 again. This time find answers to the questions given below.
5. What are the items in the heading of the memo?
6. What is the writer’s purpose for writing the memo?
7. Who must get this information?
8. What other information should the writer include that would help the reader?
9. If you were to write the subject line for the memo, what would it be?
10. How does the subject line help the reader?
11. What is the tone used by the writer?
12. Is the memo signed?
ACTIVITY 2 : Work in groups of 3 – 4.
Read Memo 2 below and answer the questions that follow. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.Memo 2
SYSTECH INDUSTRIES LTD. Department: Human Resource Memorandum From : HR Senior Manager To : Umaizy Omar, Maintenance Dept. Date : 30 July 200_ Ref. : AL/UO/3 Subject : ANNUAL LEAVE
Hafisah c.c. Head of Maintenance Dept. |
- What items in the heading of Memo 2 were not found in Memo 1?
- What is the writer’s purpose for writing Memo 2?
- Who must get this information?
- What must the recipient do when he receives this memo?
- Why is the writer’s name omitted and only his/her position in the company stated?
- What does the word ‘provisionally’ mean in the memo?
- What is the tone of the memo?
ACTIVITY 3 : Work in groups of 3 – 4.
Read Memo 3 below and answer the questions that follow. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.Memo 3
M & M TECHNOLOGIES MEMORANDUM To : Rozali Hamzah, Purchasing Manager From : Jackie Chacko, R & D Officer Date : 10 August 200_ PHOTOCOPIERS The 2 machines we bought from Ruudi Enterprise last month seem to be giving a number of problems. They take a long time to warm up and are slower than our existing machines. Papers get stuck so often and the quality of the prints are less than satisfactory.Please examine them before we lodge a complaint. |
- What is the writer’s purpose for writing the memo?
- Who must get this information?
- What do the words machines and them refer to? How do you know?
- What must the recipient do when he receives this memo?
- What is the tone of the memo?
- Is the memo signed? Why?
ACTIVITY 4 : Work in groups of 3 – 4.
Read Memo 4 below and answer the questions that follow. Be prepared to share your answers with the class.Memo 4
TECHTRONICS MALAYSIA BHD. Memo DATE : 10 August 200_ TO : Yati, Hassan and Manee FROM: Charles RE : ORDERING SUPPLIES It has been brought to my attention that many of our supplies are overstocked. In order to avoid this in future, I would like all ordering to be done by Yati. If you need something, inform Yati and she will order it immediately. |
- What is the purpose for writing the memo?
- What other information did the writer pass on to the recipients?
- Who must get this information?
- What style did the writer use?
- What tone did the writer use?
- What you do think is the relationship between the writer and the intended readers?
- Do you think that the writer and readers come from the same department? How do you know?
Go through Memos 1 – 4 again.
a. Tick () the boxes under the respective memos in which you can find the items listed in Table 1 below.
Memo 1 | Memo 2 | Memo 3 | Memo 4 | |
1. Company name | ||||
2. Heading ‘Memo’ or ‘Memorandum’ | ||||
3. Department /Division | ||||
4. Name of Sender/Writer (From) | ||||
5. Position of Sender/Writer | ||||
6.Name of Receiver(s)/Reader(s) (T0) | ||||
7. Position of Receiver(s)/Reader(s) | ||||
8. Date | ||||
9. Subject | ||||
10. Message | ||||
11. Signature of writer/sender |
Table 1
b. Now with the help of the Table 1, make a list of the items that can be found in ALL four memos in Table 2.
c. What can you infer from the list in Table 2?The common items are. . .
Table 2
ACTIVITY 6:Abbreviations are often used in formal correspondence to denote reference initials, notations such as enclosure, reference, copy, etc. Some of these abbreviations were used in Memos 1-4.
a. Match the abbreviations given in box A to what they represent in box B.
A | B | C | |||
1. | Enc. | Carbon copy | |||
2. | Ref.: | Enclosure | |||
3. | c.c. | Blind copy | |||
4. | b.c. | Reference notation | Serves as a convenient way to identify, refer to and file the memo. |
b. Discuss the function(s) of these abbreviations and then complete box C. One has been done for you.
c. Below is another list of common abbreviations. Do you know what they stand for?
No. | Abbreviation | Stands for |
1. | e.g. | |
2. | a.s.a.p | |
3. | Pls. | |
4. | a.m. | |
5. | p.m. | |
6. | o.k. | |
7. | TQ | |
8. | i.e. |
d. Can you think of other common abbreviations and indicate what they stand for?
2.2 Language used in memos
The vocabulary, grammar and style of memos
Overall, the memo should be brief and to the point. Therefore the memo should contain:
| |
Avoid | Example | Recommended |
a.Unnecessary words/phrases | I am writing to you in connection with the application procedure which you will enlighten us. | I am writing about the application procedure which you will inform us. |
b. Too elaborate style | We are grateful for your prompt reply. We are enclosing a form for you to complete and we should appreciate it if you could return it to us at your earliest convenience. | Thank you for replying promptly. Please complete the enclosed form and return it to me as soon as possible. |
c. Too officious style | Your memo of the 15th refers. Kindly sign the enclosed reply form and return same to the undersigned soonest. | I refer to your memo dated 15 June. Could you please sign the enclosed reply form and return it to me as soon as possible. |
c. Incomprehensible grammatical structure | Leave with Zuri – if not available wait Tuesday | Please leave it with Cik Zuri. If she is not available, please wait until Tuesday. |
It is advisable to write in complete sentences even though the paragraphs in a memo may be numbered and the information can be presented in numbered points for the following reasons. Tick ( ) where appropriate.
| Saves time to write. |
| Avoid confusion and misunderstanding. |
| Abbreviated language of notes used may not be easily or correctly understood by intended reader(s). |
| Time is lost when reader needs to seek clarification or takes the wrong action. |
Match the misused words/expressions in A to those preferred in B.
Avoid | Recommended | ||
a. you are kindly requested to … | I enclose…/I have enclosed…/ I am enclosing… | ||
b. enclosed please find … | before | ||
c. as per your instructions | please … | ||
d. please advise … | then | ||
e. prior to | for | ||
f. in connection with | please let me know | ||
g. in respect of | now | ||
h. same | as you instructed / according to your instructions | ||
i. at this point in time | about | ||
j. at that point in time | this / it / these |
The style used in memo writing is more informal and the tone more personal, compared to writing a business letter since you are writing to someone in the same organization.
However, remember that courtesy is still essential and you should use “please” and “thank you”
3.0 INPUT 3 : Writing Memoranda for Various Purposes
3.1 The Format of Memos |
Study the schematic diagram (Fig. 3.1) of a memo given here.
Figure 3.1
Now, answer these questions.
- What does each box represent? Can you label them ?
- Why do you think some boxes are drawn in broken lines?
- How are the items in the solid boxes different?
The memo can come in a number of formats depending on the company or organization.
However, all memos should: indicate the receiver (“To” line) indicate the sender (“From” line) show the date contain a concise and precise message
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory (‘must have’) items. The other items may be left out.
A memo has two parts; the heading and the body.
Inovatif Systech Sdn.Bhd.MEMORANDUM
The Heading
The Body
The heading of all memos should contain the following minimum information:
The order of the above items may differ from company to company. Items in italics are optional.
(a) Name of Organisation
- usually pre-printed on memo forms; otherwise omitted since it is for internal circulation only.
(b) The Heading ‘MEMORANDUM’ OR ‘MEMO’- usually placed in the centre of the page, under name of organization, if given.
(c) The Sender (FROM:)- no courtesy title (En./Mr.,Pn./Mrs., Cik/Miss, Ms.) is necessary but may include a business title/position, department or location depending on:
- your position in the company
- your relationship with the receiver of the memo
- the nature of the message; formal or informal
FORMAL Memo fr. section head,
- omit name (e.g. FROM: Chief Technician)
Use initials to be more formal
(e.g. FROM: D. Beh, Chief Technician)
State your position in company if
not personally acquainted with receiver:(e.g. FROM: David Beh, Chief Technician)
INFORMAL Memo to colleague:
include your first name(s)
(e.g. FROM: David Beh)Tip
The formal approach in memos indicates a distant relationship between the sender and the receiver. The formal approach is:Acceptable Not recommended For memos sent to a large number of people. For memos addressed to one person or even a small group.
(d) The Receiver (TO:)
Interoffice memos may be addressed to;- An individual
- Several individuals
- A division or department
- All personnel
The same principles apply to “TO” as to “FROM”. However, it is important to include the courtesy title (En./Mr.,Pn./Mrs., Cik/Miss, Ms.) when writing to someone more senior than you.
e.g. TO: Mr. Teng Swee King, Senior Maintenance Engineer
Initials are often preferred to first names:
e.g. TO: Mr. S.K.Teng, Senior Maintenance Engineer
(e) DATE:- Written in full and not abbreviated or expressed in figures to prevent oversights and miscommunication and for future reference.
2. 6. 03 20 Jun.’03 2 June 2003
The subject line serves as the title of your message and aids in filing the memo for future reference.Guidelines for writing a subject line- Use a concise phrase (not a complete sentence) to convey the message
- Be specific (e.g. don’t use “Maintenance Information” on all memos written from the Maintenance Dept.)
- Capitalize important words
- Omit the full stop at the end of the subject line
The message is found in this section of the memo. The message must be paragraphed as in a letter, with each important point in a separate paragraph. Make use of numbers or bullets when making several distinct points to increase the clarity of the message.
(a) The Closing
No complimentary close is needed. You may write your initials at the end of the memo but that is optional as your name has already been stated in the heading.3.3 Style And Tone
The style and tone used in memos are important.
Appropriate choice of style and tonemore effective communication
improved relationships within the company
You should always think about the effect your memo will have on the reader.
Most organizations today adopt an informal tone in memo writing. Unlike letters or reports written to someone outside the organization, the memo writer is more interested in presenting facts than in persuasion, thus the tone used in memo writing may be different.
In general, the style and tone of your memo will be affected by 3 factors:
Receiver Purpose Circumstances
1. The ReceiverConsider(a) your relationship with the receiver
The further the
D I S TA N C E …
(b) the receiver’s position in the company
(c) the receiver’s knowledge of the subject matter
The greater
the knowledge …
“jargon use”
in technical
2. The Purpose of the Message
The style is affected by the purpose of the memo.Purpose of memo:Recommended styleRationalee.g. To give instructions Avoid informal style Otherwise, receiver might not take you seriously e.g.To make a request Be courteous in your efforts to be persuasive This cannot be achieved if you adopt an overly formal style.
- The Circumstances
The circumstances in which a memo is written will affect its style and tone.e.g.
A memo congratulating a colleague on his/her promotion will be informal and friendly.
- Summarise the main idea.
- Use an abbreviated style, not complete sentences. Omit articles (a, an, the) and the full stop.
- State the purpose for writing. Expand the information in the subject line.
- Present information directly. In responding to a request, provide the requested information in the opening paragraph.
- Give details. Arrange information logically.
- Enhance readability. Keep sentences short and use parallel construction for similar ideas. Use numbers and bullets for complex details.
- Request action. Be specific in stating what you want the reader to do. You may want to include a deadline, with reasons, if possible.
- Summarise the memo or give a closing thought. Provide a summary of the main points for long memos. End with an appropriate closing if neither an action request nor a summary is necessary.
- Keep your language simple and conversational as the memo is a rather informal document.
- Use short, simple sentences and make use of numbers and bullets for different points in order to present content clearly.
- You may initial your memo if you like, but do NOT sign it..
In summary . . .
No salutation necessary.
Subject heading – clearly state the topic of the message.
The body of the memo should be separated into paragraphs, reaching a relevant conclusion and close.
No complimentary close necessary.
Enc.(if appropriate)
To: Date:From: Ref: ST/JJSubject:
FIRST SECTIONThe opening paragraph is a brief introduction to what the memo is about and why it is being written (with reference to any phone calls, meetings, earlier discussions, etc. that are relevant)
SECOND SECTIONThe middle paragraph(s) give(s) the information. Suitable methods of presentation might include:1. Using headings2. Numbering or listing points for clarity3. Underlining key words for emphasis4. Indenting and spacing to carry impact
FINAL SECTIONThis last paragraph rounds off the memo, perhaps by pointing to any action that needs to be taken (with deadline as appropriate)
Date of issue
Reference initials of sender & typist
ACTIVITY 1The parts of the memo below are all jumbled. Arrange the parts in order and rewrite them in the correct form of a memo in the space provided below.
M E M OTo : 19 September 200_From : Appointment of Saw Chen Ni as Assistant Technical ManagerDate : Administrative PersonnelSubject : Zuraihan Mahmood, Manager
Please give Ms.Saw your full cooperation and support. Let us welcome her to our organisation and wish her every success.
I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Saw Chen Ni as Assistant Technical Manager.
Ms.Saw comes to us from TYT Computer Services where she was in charge of technical support. Her duties with us will include supervising a team of computer engineers and providing technical support.
Write Your Memo HereSELF ASSESSMENT 2PunctuationWork in groups of 2 or 3, punctuate the following memo and decide where it should be divided into paragraphs. Then compare your answers with those of other groups.
MALAYSIAN STEELSMemo ____________________________________________________________________From: G.Ganapathy To: Tn.Hj.Zainal Abidin AhmadWarehouse Supervisor General Manager
i wish to bring your attention the inadequacy of the existing facilities for washing and changing for warehouse staff at present there are 35 men and women employed in various parts of the warehouse in the course of their everyday work they are normally exposed to dust, dirt and oil it is therefore desirable that they should be able to shower and change in reasonable comfort at the conclusion of their day’s work the only available space at the moment is very cramped there is no proper provision for hanging up storing and drying clothes and there is only one washbasin which is cracked and coming away from the wall there is no hot water the factories act (1961) part 3 section 58 requires that adequate and suitable facilities for washing including hot water soap and clean towels should be provided the ministry of human resources notes to the act also strongly recommended separate facilities for men and women especially if large numbers of people are involved as I see it the following alternatives could be considered the building of a new amenity block on the empty site of the old canteen to contain showers washbasins a changing area with clothes lockers and a space for dying clothes extension and improvement of the existing arrangements by dedicating a portion of the present storage space to showers and a locker room continuation of the present facilities here but with the staff changing elsewhere(Source: Coe, N. et al, 1983, Writing Skills, CUP)b. Look at the heading part of the memo, which important item is missing ?c. Suggest a suitable subject heading for Mr.Ganapathy to write in his memo.Writing to Pass on Information/ Relay MessagesFollow through the problem-solving strategy used by Rafique Razali to deal with a work problem.Activity 2Rafique received a note from a hotel customer, Lucy Sim, the President of Jiterah Rotary Club. Rafique had coordinated the setting up of teleconferencing equipment for a dialogue with a sister Rotary Club in Japan, which Dr.Sim organized. Dr.Sim’s note said, “Thank you, En.Rafique Razali, for the excellent work done. Please thank your maintenance team for me also. Without their help and yours, the teleconference could not have run so smoothly. You’re a great help!”
Define Your ProblemRafique asked himself and answered the following questions about the problem she had to solve:What is my purpose for writing?to pass on Dr.Sim’s information
to my maintenance staffWhat should I have when I finish?message to maintenance staff
Plan Your SolutionRafique used the information from the work problem and the questions above to plan his writing:Who must get this information?all maintenance staff involvedin this assignmentWhat format should I use?memoNote: When writing to a group of people within your company or office, the memo is most appropriate.What style should I use?formalNote: The memo is the most formal way to communicate in writing within your company or office.What tone should I use?positiveWhat information should I include?-thanks from Dr.Lucy Sim for our work-teleconferencing went smoothlyHow should I organize this information? thanks from Dr.Lucy Sim for our work teleconferencing went smoothly
WriteThen Rafique wrote his message:
2. He filled in all the information required by the format.
3. He wrote in the style and tone he chose in his planning.
5. He checked his writing:a. He made sure all of the necessary information was included.b. He made sure his language was clear and correct.
DATE: 18 September, 200_TO: Kamal, Ganesh and HK SoonFROM: RafiqueSUBJECT: Rotary Club Teleconference
I received a note from Dr.Lucy Sim. She was very pleased with our work in setting up the equipment for the teleconference with Japan. She asked me to thank all of you for your efforts. I would also like to thank you for your help on this important assignment. Well done!
1. He used the format he chose in the planning.
4. He passed on the information he chose in his planning
Now that you have seen how Rafique worked through the problem above, try it yourself with the problem on the next page.Activity 3Sarjak Shah has just received the fax (Figure 1) below from Tony Leung, Head of the Leung Corporation in Hong Kong. Mr.Leung’s company wants to know more about Mr.Shah’s company, Plasticwares. Leung Corporation has indicated interest in making substantial investment in Plasticwares.
Mr.Shah tells you, his personal assistant:
“Send a memo to all heads of department telling them of Mr.Leung’s arrival. Tell them to ensure that everything they are responsible for is working efficiently. Mr.Leung must be able to meet staff in all deparments from 8 – 12 October, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Exact dates and times will be confirmed later.”Figure 1
FAX TRANSMISSIONTo : Plasticswares, KedahFrom : Tony Leung, Leung Corporation, Hong KongDate : 15 April, 200_Pages : 1
MESSAGE: Greetings. Arriving 22 April at 5.15 p.m. Flight HK 302.Please meet at airport. Staying for 1 week. Hope to meet staff andvisit departments if possible.
Define Your ProblemWhat is my purpose for writing?
What should I have when I finish?
Plan Your SolutionWho must get this information?___________________________________What format should I use?___________________________________What style should I use?___________________________________What tone should I use?___________________________________What information should I include?
____________________________________How should I organize this information?
WriteWrite your final draft in the space provided below. Use the steps that Rafique followed when writing to solve the previous work problem to guide you.
Check Your SolutionMake sure you check your solution as Rafique did in the previous problem.
On Your OwnWork through the problem given below. Remember to define, plan, write, and then check. Write your final draft in the space provided.Activity 4
Your boss En.Jamsari Hamid, has scheduled 3 appointments to interview applicants for an accounting position. All these appointments are for Monday, 14 July. However, he now has to travel to Singapore on that day to attend a conference. He has asked you to reschedule all appointments for one week later than the above date. He also wants a brief summary of the background of each candidate.
You have made calls to each candidate and arranged these times. Mokhtar Yaakob, who has been a chief technician for 5 years with Jaya Industries, has agreed to come at 8.30 a.m. Watchalla Kumar, who is a Senior Engineer with Sony, will come at 11.00 a.m. Lau Joo Han, who holds a Masters of Mechanical Engineering and 3 years of experience in manufacturing, will come at 10.00 a.m.
Suggest also that Puan Hafizah Ali, the operations Human Resource Manager, should also be attending the interviews.
Write a memo to your boss including all the details given above.
Write Your Memo Here
Check Your SolutionMake sure you check your solution as in the previous problem.